Roman English
Jasle maha kaadchha usle haat chaatchha.
कुनै काम को जिम्मा लिने व्यक्तिले त्यो काम गरे बापत केहि फाइदा लिन पाउँछन् ।
बजारमा सामान बेच्ने व्यापारीले केही नाफा राख्छ। जसले मह काढ्छ, उसले हात चाट्छ।
Literal English Translation
He who collects honey licks his hand.
English Meaning
A person who is in charge of a resource may sometimes benefit from the resource.
English Proverb
He who holds the purse strings, calls the shots.
यस्तै अरु उखानहरु