Roman English
Aayo gayo maya moha, aayena gayena ko ho ko ho.
जो मान्छे नजिक छन्, तिनको माया बडी लाग्छ । आउने जाने जति कम हुदै जान्छ, त्यति नै दुरी बढ्दै जान्छ ।
प्रविनले गाउँ छाडेर शहर गएपछि बिस्तारै सबैसँगको सम्बन्ध टुट्दै गयो—आयो गयो माया मोह, आएन गएन को हो को हो।
Literal English Translation
Love and attachment grow with those who come and go, but when they stop coming and going, they become distant and forgotten.
English Meaning
You love people that are around you more and interact with you more. Once people stop being around you, you start forgetting them.
यस्तै अरु उखानहरु