Roman English
Aafno thaili surakshit raakhe arkaa lai dosh lagaunu pardaina.
यदि तपाइँ तपाइँको चीजहरूको उचित हेरचाह गर्नुहुन्छ र तिनीहरूलाई सुरक्षित गर्नुहुन्छ भने, तपाइँले ती चोरीको लागि अरूलाई दोष दिनु पर्दैन।
Literal English Translation
If you keep your bag safe, you don't have to blame others.
English Meaning
If you take proper care of your things and secure them, you don't have to blame others for stealing them.
यस्तै अरु उखानहरु